Monday, August 10, 2020

Analyse The Data With SPSS, Create Your Own Research Question And

Analyse The Data With SPSS, Create Your Own Research Question And Analyse The Data With SPSS, Create Your Own Research Question And Write Up A Lab Report â€" Assignment Example > Introduction The general well-being of the teacher can be taken to be a measure of teachers’ satisfaction with different facets of the overall life which may comprise areas like recreation activities, family life and others. Teachers may be affected with negative life event stressors which are concerned with sources of stresses in every day’s life. This include aspects such as birth of baby, moving house, getting married, death of a family member or close friend, being hospitalized due to serious illness etc. Well-being reflects the extent to which teachers are satisfied with different facets of their overall life, including their job (it includes areas such as family, recreational activities, etc). Somatic complains are described as being minor, general physical problems that may be encountered by people in their everyday life and may include frequent nausea, headaches, breathing difficulties and feeling of tightness in the chest. This are regarded as being symptomatic of per sistent mild-to-moderate psychological stress. Another factor that can affect the teacher negatively is student misbehavior. This is to do with the extent to which teachers’ daily teaching activities are interfered with by recurrent misbehavior of the student. Teachers may have uncertainty about their future job career and desire to remain in the teaching profession and this is addressed under job ambiguity. The perception of the teacher on the level of support received from their principal both professionally and personally is described under social support. These study consist of two partsResearch Study 1: This study investigated how teachers’ level of general wellbeing was predicted by their experience of negative life event stressors, level of somatic complaints, student misbehavior, and whether they are males or females. Research questions in this part of study areIs teachers level of general wellbeing negatively affected by negative life stressor, somatic complaints and s tudent well beingDoes teacher well being have significant difference between male and female teachersResearch Study 2: This study investigated differences among four age groups of teachers in their perceived level of job ambiguity and social support from their principal. Research questions for this section of the study areDoes variation in scores of perceived level of job ambiguity depend on the age group of the teacherDoes variation in scores of perceived level of social support depend on the age group of the teacherResults and discussion Study 1 findingsRelationship between general wellbeing and negative lifestressor, somatic complaints and student misbehaviorCorrelation test was used to determine the relationship between general wellbeing and negative lifestressor, somatic complaints and student misbehavior with the result being as shown in table 1. From the table it can be seen that there was a moderate negative correlation between general wellbeing and negative life event stres sors which was significant r (198)= -0.355 p=. . The correlation between general wellbeing and somatic checklist was significant r(198) = -0.4 p=. 000. The correlation between general wellbeing and level of student misbehavior was also significant r(198) = -0.327 p=. 000. All the three variables were positively correlated to each of at a significant level 0.000Table 1NEGATIVE LIFE EVENT STRESSORSSOMATIC CHECKLIST SCALELEVEL OF STUDENT MISBEHAVIOURGENERAL WELL-BEING-. 355**-. 400**-. 327**LEVEL OF STUDENT. 205**. 334**SOMATIC CHECKLIST SCALE. 376****. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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